A Focus on Menantic Creek

Menantic Creek Water Quality Monitoring

Water quality monitoring in the creek continues. With the financial support of the Water Quality Improvement Advisory Board & the Town Board, our third monitoring station in the neck of the creek is up and running.

Monitoring will continue until November 30 when we will remove the equipment until spring. Check back for data reports soon. 

Back to the Bays – Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE)

A pilot oyster reef was installed in Menantic Creek. Individual oysters were planted in the creek as part of CCE’s town shellfish harvest enhancement program. Many thanks to Kate Rossi-Snook for all of her hard work!

Please visit the Menantic Creek page on the Back to the Bays website for further information on Back to the Bays’ Shelter Island and specifically, Menantic Creek initiatives.  https://backtothebays.org/menantic

 Peconic Estuary Partnership (PEP) - Stony Brook Studies

Stony Brook has studies underway in oyster growth and seaweed, planning to deploy kelp this winter.

  Menantic Creek and West Neck Harbor Dredging

Suffolk County finished dredging in West Neck Harbor and Menantic Creek.

 Shelter Island Water Quality

Shelter Island Water Advisory Committee (WAC) meets once a month and continues to schedule information sessions to discuss water quality challenges. https://www.shelterislandtown.gov/

Thank you for your continued support of water quality initiatives in Menantic Creek.


We’re dedicated to studying the water quality of Menantic Creek, and educating people about environmental stewardship.

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